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Many a times I wonder what would happen if I stood for some time and admired the nature and its beauty. The fine thought scares me, will I get run over by the heavy traffic of people stomping up and down the road with no sorry or excuse me. I remembered this verse in the poem “ Daffodils” which got me into the world of imagination how beautiful the world would be if I could find a place to sit and breathe fresh air into lungs. I wish to go back to my childhood where I dreamt my wishes would come true.

New year comes in with reflections of past years where at this time of the year we were all unaware of what is in store for us. Who knew life will change overnight for most of us? As time went by and months flew away with a year gone by I realized, in introspect that it wasn’t as bad, I did live my dreams to be one with nature. The changes in the weather, the rustling of leaves, the unknown species of birds around and animals on the street .I truly lived my days though not intentionally did say a small prayer.

As an educator in true sense, I wish we would make this life as pleasant for our coming generations. Bringing them close to nature, make them one with their spirit soul give them the realization of their sole objective of coming into this being. I think I am on it with designing and planning the new year Waldorf curriculum the work is in progress.

My resolution for year 2021 will be to take and give that opportunity to all children in all respect under any circumstances , I will and I shall…..

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